Expecting anything of this sort is unrealistic not only for TRR, but any team. All cars are the same for years there and the closeness of pack is so dense that pace is almost unbelievable to overcome and show domination in such league. The things ineX as a team is doing there are amazing and I take my hat off to them for that, even though they're not the nicest persons outside the track.
I personally am not a big fan of GT2 cars and with all changes in the team I just didn't feel like racing most of the races there. However, I might put some effort into showing something decent at least for the last round with my teammates, as that might be the highest possibility that we can achieve at the current state.
P.S. We did, indeed win the 10h race against GenR, so I would call that slightly better than decent.
GT1WS, might be different, or the same, we will see once it gets rolling.
I had maybe even worse handling damage than you that race, so yeah, I owned you. It looks to me that you're the one turning this into STD championship, after being the one who said that wants to stay away from that. Arguing is awesome isn't it.
Last edited by N I K I, .
Reason : edited just to say i owned you to mad ginger :DDDDDD (everyone else shouldn't read this, it's post specifically for isaac) :P
Isaac, chillax man. The amount of shit poring from your mouth is astounding. I just said how the things usually go, it doesn't have to mean what you think it means... And just to stab you in the hart a little bit, it was awesome owning you on track and having you protest over nothing later on.
The pay thing should not be taken so seriously. It's not like we're aiming to be team of the year. If we were, why would Bozz still be with us. Pretty much the reason why I stopped the whole thing from my side. That much is enough to prove that we're here to have fun. So, people like Isaac should take their pills once in a while and stop calling others retards and what not, ay.
It was your ex-team mate trying to stab you in the back, even before you got on your feet.
And trying to turn all the pay thing into something pathetic is just not working guys. In real life, those who get paid more are usually better skilled than those who don't. I'm sorry that I had to rub that in your nose, but since some of you are so negative that it disgusts me so much that I have to spill the truth.
Anyway, enough about that. As Tommy said, we're not getting paid any sort of salary and Walter is doing an amazing job to round up all the sponsors.
The donations are for web-hosting, as we don't have a web sponsor and there is a lot of you who drive our events. Besides, why would it be a terrible thing to help out here and there. I've shared over a 100 setups this year with everyone.
We're proud to announce that long time top line spdo's racer Reno Koots has recently joined forces with TRR. It's a man who we know from a lot of top leagues and I still recall our only MoE win together back in 2009 and a great fight for victory in last MoE's 24h race, obviously that time with different teams.
He's still living in Estonia and is always open for fun challenges. A warm welcome to a good friend.
Alright, finally an FZ5 race. Soddi bo that some drivers that always try to beat me didn't show up today, but I had loads of fun anyway. It's about the only car you don't want the race to ever end.
Evo u utorak u 7 navecer utrka koju cemo mi kasnije drzati u nasem prvenstvu. FZ5 na westhillu.
Ja redovno kod njih vozim utrke, jer uvijek imaju lijepe komboe i dosta akcije, a evo nekad se i pogodi kombo bas koji ce biti negdje drugo. Kvalifikacije su im sat vremena a trka pola sata tako da se ima dosta vremena za ustositi. Ako nista radi uzitka snage malog broda da se provozamo.
Super momci super, odziv mora biti dobar. Staza ima dva pravca, al svejedno nece biti prejednostavno pretjecati jer je dosta nervozan na kocnicama, a tu nam je i sikana da osigura razliku u vremenima. Sve u svemu bice spektakl po svim prosudbama do sada. Jos mnogo vremena za trening da se ustosi mali kabrio. Ako budemo imali utrke kao u FO8, ali u slow motionu to ce biti dosta dobro.
A cisto FO8 prvenstvo, tesko da bi to opstalo sa vise od nas pet hardkorera.
Evo slikica malo sto se sjecam sa trke. Vule me na startu pritisno na travu pri 260kmh u stilu Grosjeana/Rosberga. Srle divlja u T2 i nevjerojatno i sa svim kontaktom i u T3 svi nastavljamo trku da bi u T4 Srle malo isprazio agresivnost na pijesku i cak ga i Trnja pretice.
I onda fantasticna bitka za vodstvo, auto je mrak.
Broj i ime vozaca:
Krug i sektor u kome se desio incident:
Vrijeme u reprizi kad se desio incident:
Nije potrebno opsirno opisivati incident. Ono sto je bitno je da se istakne ako je protivnik pokazivao slicno ponasanje vec prethodno prema vama ili drugima.